Produsul asigura utilizatorului protectia balistica si antiinjunghiere in zona de contact, respectiv, torace si abdomen ( fata – spate). Utilizarea se efectueaza prin purtare disimulata, direct pe piele sau peste un tricou/ maiou. Tip: interioara (UNDER). Produsul se compune din: maioul propriu-zis (2 buc); pachet de protectie balistica (2 buc); pachet de protectie antiinjunghiere(2 buc); husa transport (1 buc). Nivel de protectie: balistica nivel III A, conform N.I.J 010106; antiinjunghiere nivel 3, conform N.I.J 011500. Materialul de baza utilizat: KEVLAR sau alte materiale cu structura compozita.
The product assures to the user ballistic and anti-stabbing protection in the contact area, thorax and belly ( front – back). The usage is carried out by concealed wearing, directly on the skin or over the t-shirt/ undershirt. Type: internal ( UNDER). The product is composed from: the proper undershirt (2 pieces); ballistic protection package ( 2 pieces); anti-stabbing protection package (anti-breakthrough) (2 pieces); transport cover (1 piece). Level of protection: ballistic III A, according to the standard N.I.J 010106; anti-stabbing level 3, according to the standard N.I.J 011500. The main fabric used: Kevlar or other equivalent materials with composite structure.
S.T. 680.456/07.09.2017