Camasa bluza se confectioneaza din tesatura cu compozitie 75% bumbac si 25% poliamida de culoare verde silvic. Bluza se incheie in fata cu fenta si nasturi. Are 2 buzunare cu forma cu colt aplicate pe piepti prevazute cu pliu pe mijloc si clapa cu inchidere cu nasture si butoniera. Buzunarul de la pieptul stang are prevazut pe clapa un epolet pentru fixarea insemnelor. Manecile sunt scurte si terminatecu tiv indoit pe fata si fixat cu tighel.
The blouse shirt is manufactured from fabric with the composition of 75% cotton and 25% polyamide, on forester green color. The shirt is closed in front with a faint and buttons. It has 2 pockets with an edge shape applied on the chests with fold on the middle and flap which is closed iwth a button and a buttonhole. The pocket from the left chest is provided on the flap with and epaulet for fixing the rank signs. The sleeves are short and are ending with a hem bent on teh front and fixed with stitch.