Camasa bluza cu maneca scurta si banda la terminatie barbati/ femei se confectioneaza din tesatura tercot de culoare bleu. Pe piepti la partea superioara sunt aplicate 2 buzunare cu fald si clapa. Spatele la partea superioara este prevazut cu platca dubla iar pe umeri sunt aplicati epoleti. La terminatie camasa este prevazuta cu cordon care se ajusteaza cu nasturi si butoniere. Pe maneca stanga se fixeaza ecusonul specific.
The men/ladies short sleeve blouse shirt provided with waistband at the ending is manufactured from tercot fabric on blue color. On the chests, at the superior part, are applied 2 pockets with fold and flap. The back at the superior part it’s provided with a doubled inset and on the shoulders it has applied epaulets. At the ending, the shirt is provided with a cord that is adjusted with buttons and buttonholes. On the left sleeve, the shirt has applied the specific badge.
S.T. 159/03.03.2008